Tips on How to Identify a Secure Hotel

Hotel safety is something that should be a priority for anyone staying overnight in a hotel. This is particularly the case for guests who are traveling alone and won’t have anyone to check in on them throughout the evening. However, there are many hotels out there that aren’t as secure as their guests might hope – so it’s important to be able to identify which hotels are secure and which ones aren’t. There will certainly always be some risk when staying in a hotel, no matter how safe you believe it to be, but if you follow our tips on how to identify a secure hotel, you can reduce your risks as much as possible. Read for more details.

Check the Reputation of the Hotel Before Booking

When you’re staying at a hotel, you’re entrusting your safety to the hotel staff therefore it is vital that you select a hotel that has a good reputation for being secure. There are numerous ways to check a hotel’s reputation before booking. One of the simplest methods is to read online reviews on review sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp, as well as on the hotel’s own website. However, keep in mind that, while reviews can be extremely helpful, they are not always completely reliable. There are Some hotel guests write fake reviews to get a lower room rate, so take each review with a grain of salt. Finally, the best way to determine a hotel’s reputation is to ask someone who has previously stayed there. Inquire with a friend or family member who has previously stayed at the hotel. Ask on social media if you don’t know anyone who has remained at the hotel. Someone will have stayed at the hotel before and will be able to advise you on its reputation.

Ask About the Hotel’s Security Measures

The best way to determine a hotel’s safety is to ask about its security measures. This is particularly important if the hotel has a less than stellar reputation – it’s unlikely that the hotel will tell you about its poor safety record. When you call the hotel to book a room, ask about their security measures. Ask whether there is a safe in the room, what time the hotel staff lock the doors at night, and if the hotel staff monitors the guest list. When you arrive at the hotel, ask about their security measures again. And if anything has changed since you originally called, don’t be afraid to ask why.

One Card Solution

A one-card solution allows the hotel to monitor the whereabouts of its guests while restricting them from accessing certain parts of the hotel’s facilities. Guests will be only granted floor access to their own guest room, car park, lobby and other public areas. As a result, this technology is effective in preventing unauthorised access to guest rooms and thievery, as well as improving guest safety.   

Surveillance Camera

A hotel with numerous surveillance cameras can be a good indication of how secure the hotel is. However, the number of surveillance cameras in the hotel isn’t necessarily an indication of how safe the hotel is – each hotel will have different security needs and different budgets. The important thing to do is to check whether the surveillance cameras are monitored by a security team. If the cameras are monitored, you can rest assured that the security team will be able to identify anybody who is trying to break into the hotel. 

Bottom Line

Hotel safety should be a top priority for anyone staying in a hotel overnight. This is especially true for guests who are travelling alone and will not have anyone checking in on them throughout the evening. There are many hotels that aren’t as secure as their guests might hope, so it’s critical to know which ones are and which aren’t.

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